Why Brand Storytelling is Important for Your Business Growth

Brand storytelling is a powerful tool to connect with your clients emotionally. When you share the story behind your product or service, you strengthen the bond with your existing clients. Your brand story also helps to increase your customer base by creating an emotional connection with your ideal clients. Brand storytelling is an opportunity to express your brand personality, what is important to you, and why - all in one tidy story.

Now that you know how much of an impact your brand story can have on your business, you may be wondering what is the best way to write an effective brand story?

Today, I am going to tell you about why brand storytelling is important and the 4 key elements that you need to include in your brand story.

What is brand storytelling? 

Brand storytelling is a way to form an emotional connection between your brand and your clients by linking what you stand for to the values you share with your clients. Your brand story doesn’t have to be complicated or fancy. The most important thing is that your brand story is an authentic representation of you. 

Why is brand storytelling important?

Your brand storytelling can create an emotional connection with your clients

A brand story allows you to let your audience know that you get them. You understand the problems and challenges they’re experiencing because you’ve been there yourself. It’s like when you first meet somebody, and you realize that you’re both going through a similar problem - it’s an instant bond!

Your brand storytelling can add more value to your products and services

Your brand story tells your ideal customers about your brand’s reason for being. It’s the big picture of what makes you different from everyone else. When people understand what you’re trying to do and they agree with it, they will be alright with spending more on your products and services. When your values are in alignment with those of your ideal clients, it’s not just about purchasing a product. They are supporting your mission, and it makes them feel that they are part of something bigger.

Your brand storytelling can create a strong visual identity

As a designer, when a brand has a story, it’s easier to visualize and create a meaningful visual identity that is beyond beautiful design. Visual design makes your story easier to understand and communicate with your audience. 

What to include in your brand story

When you create a brand story, it’s a great opportunity to tell your audience about your values and what you believe in. Following are the 4 key elements needed to write a top-notch brand story.

1 Make the main character a person your ideal customers can relate to

There is a hero in every story. The hero is an individual who overcomes problems to reach a satisfying solution. In your brand story, your ideal customer needs to relate to the hero. He/she needs to be able to understand and feel the discomfort of the predicament that your hero is in. The more they can see themselves in your brand story, the more powerful the emotional connection will be.

2 Include your “why” for starting your business

People want to know why you do what you do. The more your audience understands your values and the people behind your business, the more connected they will feel to your brand. 

3 Your experience or history related to and connected to your audience

The more that people can relate to your brand story, the more they will trust you and your brand. Share the problem you experienced, the solution you came up with, and how it transformed your life.

4 A goal or vision of the story

There has to be a purpose or reason for telling the story. Make sure your message is clear, relevant, and is easy to associate with your brand. Don’t just tell a story because you like it. 

Let me show you an example of how a brand story connects with your audience.

Kim runs her own business selling handmade soaps online. 

Her soaps are created with organic, natural ingredients for children who have eczema.

Kim could choose to just tell her audience about her products:

“Our soaps are organic and handmade with all-natural ingredients, created especially for children with eczema.”

Does that statement make you feel emotionally connected? Not likely. You can find similar products everywhere on the internet.

Here’s how we can transform that statement into a powerful story:

“My daughter has eczema. I tried to treat her eczema by keeping her skin from getting dry and itchy. I tried so many different products to prevent eczema, but nothing helped.

One day, she came home from school crying. Her classmates teased her because she had ugly skin with eczema. My heart was broken. It was so hard to see her upset. I really wanted to heal her eczema, but I couldn’t find a product that helped. I decided to study and research eczema on my own. I started to create soaps for my daughter using all-natural and organic ingredients.

It took me years to come up with the formula that worked best. Now, her ugly eczema is gone, and her skin is normal. I couldn’t be happier when I see her smiles every day.

This is how Smile Soaps began. Our soaps are organic and handmade with all-natural ingredients, created especially for children with eczema. I wanted to help other moms and children who are going through the same problem and make children smile every day.”

This is just an example, but can you see the difference between the two? You feel for Kim and her daughter and for a Mom in a similar situation, it communicates that you’ve been there too - you understand her problem. 

Products or services that have a story can form a powerful emotional connection with your audience.

So, what’s next? You are going to bring a brand story to life.

I created a branding mood board as an example. This is what Kim’s brand visual image looks like.



I hope you found this article helpful. Every business has a story to tell. Your brand storytelling doesn’t have to be elaborate or fancy, but it needs to be your authentic story. Once you craft your brand story, share your story with your ideal clients. 

What is your brand story? Please write and share in the comments below. 


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