Wednesday Inspiration: Font & Typography | No.7

Crimson Text is a beautiful oldstyle typefaces designed by Sebastian Kosch.
There are a lot of great free fonts around, but one kind is missing: those Garamond-inspired types with all the little niceties like oldstyle figures, small caps, fleurons, math characters and the like. In fact, a lot of time is spend developing free knock-offs of ugly "standards" like Times and Helvetica. ( Reference: Google Fonts )
Crimson Text is available regular, semi-regular, bold weights. Italic versions were also made available for each weight.

Crimson Text is a simple and classic typeface and I like the feel and style. Here is an inspirational mood board that I created it. Do you like this typeface? You can download Crimson Text fonts on GoogleFonts.
What are Google fonts? You can check outthis article.
What is your favorite typeface? Please feel free to leave a comment and share it with us.